Top Schools in Singapore

Whilst every school in Singapore is a good school, each of them being operated by an organisation of educators befitting to the profile of students in the school is also customised to a certain level.

Top schools in Singapore are often assessed by parents according to passing rate of students in the PSLE level, and the statistics of where them being able to score better grades in PSLE to get into better secondary schools post-primary level.

Factors that contribute to TOP schools

There are also other factors that have improved and uplifted schools’ brands including:

  • strong (affluent or not) network of families from the school
  • alumni presence and contribution
  • strong sense of heritage and tradition
  • affiliation to organisations
  • better perceived quality of teachers
  • rich extra-curricular activity that the children and developing
  • rigorous cuurriculum
  • and many more…

TOP Schools

Below we list the popular (perceived) top schools in Singapore in no manner of ranking:

SAP Schools

In Singapore, SAP stands for Special Assistance Plan. These are government-aided schools that focus on nurturing students who excel in both English and Mandarin Chinese. They offer a rigorous curriculum with some subjects taught in Mandarin, while others remain in English. SAP schools aim to develop strong bilingual and bicultural individuals prepared for a globalized world.

  • Ai Tong School
  • Catholic High School
  • CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School
  • Holy Innocents’ Primary School
  • Hong Wen School
  • Kong Hwa School
  • Maha Bodhi School
  • Maris Stella High School (Primary)
  • Nan Hua Primary School
  • Nanyang Primary School
  • Pei Chun Public School
  • Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School
  • Poi Ching School
  • Red Swastika School
  • Tao Nan School

GEP Schools

The Gifted Education Programme (GEP) is an enrichment program, not a separate school system, offered in just 9 primary schools in Singapore. It challenges top 1% students with a deeper curriculum that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and independent learning.

  • Anglo-Chinese School (Primary)
  • Catholic High School (Primary)
  • Henry Park Primary School
  • Nan Hua Primary School
  • Nanyang Primary School
  • Raffles Girls’ Primary School
  • Rosyth School
  • St. Hilda’s Primary School
  • Tao Nan School

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