Tag: critical thinking

  • Unlock Your Learning Superpowers With Efficient Methods!

    Unlock Your Learning Superpowers With Efficient Methods!

    Ready to become a learning superstar? This guide unlocks a treasure trove of efficient learning methods, drawing wisdom from both research and real-world practices around the globe. Learning Like a Pro: Active Strategies Think About How You Think: Metacognition Creating the Perfect Learning Environment Learning with Others: Collaborative Power Learning by Doing: Practical and Experiential…

  • No Mid-Year Exams: What are the Challenges?

    No Mid-Year Exams: What are the Challenges?

    Singapore’s Ministry of Education (MOE) announced the removal of mid-year exams for all primary and secondary schools by 2023. The MOE believes this change will: Schools that have already implemented this change reported positive impacts. They have more time to design diverse learning experiences, and students have more opportunities to explore their interests and strengths.…

  • 10 Fun Activities to Boost Your Critical Thinking!

    10 Fun Activities to Boost Your Critical Thinking!

    Ever wonder why the sky is blue, or how the coolest inventions came to be? That’s all thanks to something called critical thinking – a super important skill that helps you solve problems, make decisions, and figure things out on your own. Ready to unlock your thinking superpowers? Here are 10 awesome activities to get…