boosting critical thinking

10 Fun Activities to Boost Your Critical Thinking!

Ever wonder why the sky is blue, or how the coolest inventions came to be? That’s all thanks to something called critical thinking – a super important skill that helps you solve problems, make decisions, and figure things out on your own.

Ready to unlock your thinking superpowers? Here are 10 awesome activities to get you started:

  1. Question Everything!
    Great thinkers ask lots of questions. Why? What if? How come? Next time you’re learning something new, don’t be shy – ask away!

Supercharge it: Have a “Question of the Week” where you pick a topic and everyone writes down their questions. Then explore the answers together!

  1. Puzzle Power!
    Puzzles, brainteasers, and even tricky math problems are like training grounds for your brain. They get you thinking logically and creatively to find solutions.

Supercharge it: Start a “Puzzle Club” where you tackle riddles, brain teasers, and puzzles together. It’s a fun way to learn and challenge yourself!

  1. Debate Time! ️ Discussing different ideas with friends is a great way to see things from other angles and learn to present your own thoughts clearly. So, get ready for some friendly debates!

Supercharge it: Hold a class debate on a fun topic like “Should homework be banned?” Research both sides and prepare your arguments!

  1. Story Detectives!
    Reading stories isn’t just about fun adventures. It can also help you understand different viewpoints and analyze how characters make decisions.

Supercharge it: After reading a story, discuss the characters’ choices. Ask questions like, “Why did they do that?” or “What could have happened differently?”

  1. Mind Mapping Magic!
    Mind maps are like super cool visual tools that help you organize your thoughts and see connections between ideas. They make learning more fun and help you understand stuff better!

Supercharge it: When starting a new topic, create a mind map together as a class. For example, if it’s about animals, start with “Animals” in the center and branch out to “Mammals,” “Birds,” etc.

  1. Game On!
    Many educational games and apps are designed to boost critical thinking. From strategy-based video games to brain training apps, learning can be super fun and engaging.

Supercharge it: Check out educational apps that challenge you with logic puzzles or critical thinking scenarios. You can even have a “Game Day” at school to play educational games together!

  1. Science Sleuths!
    Science is all about asking questions, making predictions, and testing them out. By conducting experiments, you learn to think critically and solve problems in a structured way.

Supercharge it: Do simple science experiments in class! For example, mix baking soda and vinegar and see what happens. Discuss your predictions and what the results tell you.

  1. Reflect and Grow!
    Thinking back on your experiences helps you understand how you learn and what you can improve. It’s like taking a peek at your own brain!

Supercharge it: After completing a project, write a short reflection about what you learned, what you found challenging, and how you overcame those challenges.

  1. Real-World Challenges!
    Schoolwork isn’t the only place where critical thinking is important. Everyday situations require you to think critically too!

Supercharge it: Present a real-world problem, like reducing plastic waste at school. Brainstorm solutions, research the topic, and present your ideas. Discuss the feasibility and effectiveness of your solutions!

  1. See It, Do It!
    The best way to learn something is to see it in action. Watch how teachers and parents approach problems and make decisions.

Supercharge it: During a math lesson, pay close attention to how your teacher solves problems. Ask questions about their thought process and reasoning behind each step.

Remember, critical thinking is a journey, not a destination. Keep these activities in mind, embrace challenges, and have fun exploring the world around you with your thinking superpowers!





One response to “10 Fun Activities to Boost Your Critical Thinking!”

  1. […] its ability to cater to individualised learning and a holistic approach that promotes creativity, critical thinking and student well-being; the latter for being inclusive and being a system that values diversity and […]